IMR Test Labs

Water-reflected picture of two nuclear power plant cooling towers with steam emitting across a blue sky
Nuclear Industry
Technician observing 3D printing of AM component
Additive Manufacturing Testing
Additive Manufacturing Testing...
Cover of IMR Test Labs Ebook "Materials Testing for the Additive Manufacturing Industry" available for download
Additive Manufacturing Materials Testing
Explosive expansion in...
Launch of satellite bearing rocket, with large plume of flames and exhaust from liftoff against a clear blue sky
Testing Materials for Extreme Environments
Testing Materials Properties...
composite testing microscopic image with analysis details printed on image
Failure Mechanisms of Composite Materials
7 Common Failure...
Microscopic image of light-colored metal exhibiting subsurface damage due to aggressive machining practices
Hydrogen Embrittlement Failure Analysis Case Study
Hydrogen Embrittlement Failure...
Close-up of tensile testing equipment with metal dog bone sample clamped in and sensor attached
Introduction to Fatigue Testing eBook
Introduction to Fatigue...
composite-testing-physical testing of composites
Tests For Non-Metallic Material Properties
4 Chemistry Tests...
Portrait of Raelyn Webb, Engineer at IMR Test Labs, Portland, OR
National Engineers Week- Raelynn Webb
Raelynn Webb- IMR...
Alex Fish, materials science engineer at IMR Test Labs- Portland, shown relaxing in a rocking chair on a log cabin's front porch
National Engineers Week- Alex Fish
Alex Fish- IMR...