IMR Test Labs - Suzhou is an independent materials testing laboratory, located in the Suzhou Industrial Park. Our accredited laboratory provides mechanical, chemical and metallurgical testing for leaders in the aerospace, transportation and other manufacturing industries. We are Nadcap, A2LA (ISO 17025) and GE S-400 approved. We also carry approvals from major manufacturers including Groupe SAFRAN - Snecma, Groupe SAFRAN - MBD, Airbus, AVIC Commercial Aero Engine, and Rolls-Royce.
IMR Suzhou staff are approved to perform GE Aviations Grain Size Evaluation per GE E50TF133 Issue S10.
In 2018, IMR Test Labs made a significant investment in expanding Suzhou's fatigue testing capabilities by adding six Instron testing frames. These frames are equipped to perform LCL and HCL Fatigue Testing. We've also added 45 Creep/ Stress Rupture frames, which, combined with our fatigue frames, can all be operated at ambient or elevated temperatures. As a result of the efforts by our dedicated lab personnel to achieve a high degree of proficiency on this equipment, IMR Test Labs-Suzhou has earned a Nadcap accreditation to better serve our Aerospace customers throughout Asia, Europe and the United States.
We are responsive, and committed to serving the Chinese market with a comprehensive range of testing services and superior customer support. Major manufacturers around the world trust IMR Test Labs to provide the high-quality results they need.

Are you in China and need accurate material evaluations before shipping materials to market?
Are your suppliers located in China and you want to verify materials before they are shipped to you?
Click here for test request forms that can be faxed, emailed or included when you ship your samples for testing. Be sure to mark if a quote or rush is needed.
We’re here to serve you. Learn more below or request a quote today. We look forward to serving you.

Alloy Identification
Assay of Metals
Combustion Analysis (C, H, N, O, S)
Raw Material Verification
Alpha Case
Effective Case Depth
Grain Size
Charpy Impact Testing (Room temp to -60ºC)
Creep and Stress Rupture Testing
Fatigue Testing (LCL, HCL)
Rotating Beam Fatigue (Room and Elevated Termperature)
Hardness Testing (Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers)
Intergranular Attack
Inclusion Content
Machining Evaluations
Plating Thickness by Cross Section
Tensile Testing (Room Temp to 1100ºC)
Weld, Braze & Joining Evaluation
Need testing not listed here? IMR has a wide range of capabilities. We can outsource to one of our other labs if testing is available. Contact us today to discuss your testing needs.
Click here for our full list of accreditations and certifications
Jiangpu Road 75, Shengpu Town
Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu, China 215126
Phone: +1-86-0512-6295-2682
Fax: +1-86-0512-6295-2750
[email protected]
Cage Code: N/A