IMR Materials Testing Technical Blog

IMR Test Labs – Singapore has expanded it’s GE S-193 AJ Approval on cert 69562 to include coating F50TF69 CLA. This is in addition to our current coatings evaluation approvals on F50TF13 CL-A/B50TF72 CL-A, F50TF15 CLA, F50TF18 CLB, F50TF25 CLA, F50TF45 CLB, F50TF50 CLB, F50TF69 CLB, F50TF71 CLA & CLC, F50TF75 CLB, F50TF102 CLA, F50TF22 CLA. To learn more, please contact us at [email protected] or visit our Thermal Spray Coatings Evaluation page.
