IMR Test Labs in Singapore is Asia's premiere materials testing laboratory. We offer high-quality, accredited materials testing services including elemental analysis, metallurgical evaluation, physical/mechanical testing and failure analysis. We can provide support for your manufacturing operations with routine materials checks or can help you solve your toughest materials challenges with a full failure analysis.
We carry a wide range of approvals including ISO/IEC 17025, NADCAP, GE S-400, Pratt & Whitney MCL, and we add more regularly as our client list grows. We are your trusted supplier for fast, accurate materials testing services.
Need testing not listed here? IMR has a wide range of capabilities. We can outsource to one of our other labs if testing is available. Contact us today to discuss your testing needs.
Click here for test request forms that can be faxed, emailed or included when you ship your samples for testing. Be sure to mark if a quote or rush is needed.

Since 2017, IMR Test Labs - Singapore has been a GE S-459-approved Central Coatings Laboratory (CCL). As a CCL, we provide a GE Aerospace-approved program to train coating laboratory personnel, approve coating testing and evaluation procedures, and certify testing and evaluation through Round Robin testing. Suppliers’ laboratory personnel are required to undergo the CCL training to be certified before testing and evaluating thermal spray coatings to GE Aerospace specifications.
For a full listing of our approved coatings click here GE AIRCRAFT ENGINE-AJ CODE FOR COATINGS (GT193-69562)
More coatings will be added to this list as they get approved by GE Aerospace.
Contact IMR Singapore today at [email protected] for more information or a detailed quote on Round Robin testing or CCL Training.
GE Aerospace Central Coating Laboratory Training Program Thermal Spray Coatings: March 11-15, 2024
IMR Test Labs – Singapore Pte Ltd, a Central Coating Laboratory (CCL) approved by GE Aerospace (GEA) is inviting you to register for the GEA CCL Training Program for the period March 11-15, 2024.
Laboratory personnel are to undergo this training course to be certified before testing and evaluating GE Aerospace Thermal Spray Coatings.
A GE Aerospace-recognized certificate will be issued to participants who have successfully completed and passed the training program.
Alpha Case
Case Depth
Coatings Evaluations
EDM Surface Evaluations
Effective Case Depth
Failure Analysis
Grain Size
Inclusion Content/Inclusion Rating
Intergranular Attack
Intergranular Oxidation
Machined Surface Evaluations
Metallurgical Evaluation of Fusion Welds
Microstructure Evaluation
Plating Thickness, Integrity
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Thermal Spray Evaluation
Weld, Braze, Joining Evaluation
Alloy Verification
Chemical Assay
Combustion Analysis (C &S)
ICP Analysis
Inert Gas Fusion Analysis (O,N,H)
Ion Chromatography Testing for Chlorides, Fluorides and Sulfates
OES Analysis
Raw Material Verification
SEM/EDS Analysis
Bend Test
Bond Strength Testing
Braze, Joining Evaluation
CAAS Welder Qualification
Coating Adhesion (ASTM C633)
Creep and Stress Rupture Testing
Erosion Testing of Coatings
Hardness Testing (Rockwell)
High Temperature Tensile (to 1000°C)
Hydrogen Embrittlement
Lap Shear Strength
Microhardness (Vickers)
Surface Roughness
Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Test (ASTM E292)
Click here for our full list of accreditations and certifications
30 Loyang Way #03-16
Singapore 508769
Phone: +65 (6592)-5325
Fax: +65 (6592)-5326
[email protected]
Cage Code: N/A